Jack f**king Harkness
If you're waiting for the BBC Two repeat don't read this review. I wouldn't want to spoil it for you because it's a treat really. Everyone on Outpost Gallifrey is giving it five stars. Now for the rest of us ...
What - the fuck - was that?
It's perhaps fitting that the final episode of Torchwood, after what has, at best, been a variable season should be utter bollocks. But when the announcer beforehand suggested that there may be strong language, I really hadn't expected it to be from my own lips as I resorted to a mixture of swearing at the sheer awfulness masquerading as quality drama and laughing so hard I nearly pissed myself. After blast of comedy that was The Runaway Bride, the intricate beauty of radio Who yesterday and the joy of The Sarah Jane Adventures earlier, I might have known Torchwood would ruin this Whovian marathon like a pissed streaker knocking over Paula Radcliffe just inches away from the finishing line and a world record.
But actually, no, I should really save my enmity for the End of Days until I've dealt with Captain Jack Harkness, the first episode tonight, not the man. Because, and I'm sure this'll be a total surprise considering the opening paragraph to this review. I really quite liked it. And not just because Ianto finally got around to shooting Owen. In keeping with most of the season, of course some elements were entirely derivative, this time of anything from Back To The Future to the underrated Frequency, with a character lost in the past leaving clues to some future friend to help them escape and the well worn conceit of not being able to tell someone about their fateful future.
Where it really scored was as a character piece which developed some of the mystery of Captain Jack which has been brewing since the first series of Doctor Who.
Where it really scored was as a character piece which developed some of the mystery of Captain Jack which has been brewing since the first series of Doctor Who. For the first time in ages he seemed to be somewhat close to his old self, compassionate without being deadly really wanting, with a Sam Beckett Quantum Leap vibe to give the man whose identity he would 'borrow' the best final night he could, and with, for once, lots of romance. Well alright it was a bit of a coincidence that he should meet his name sake in Cardiff on that night of all nights, but sometimes this kind of serendipity can work well in drama and it did here. The sudden reappearance of what looked like the basement from New Earth jarred, but the recreation of the rest of the period setting was lovely and the introduction of wartime animosity towards Tosh was surprisingly realistic.
Pleasingly, however, the contemporary scenes ran in parallel and the whole benefited from having a definable goal to work towards, the find of the equation, the opening of the rift. Considering that this was a Doctor Who spin-off tackling time travel at least it was doing something else with it, really showing the consequences of potentially being lost in time. Pity Owen though, that, even when he's doing something for best of intentions he still came across as a twat and when the bullet pierced his shoulder it really was a shame that it wasn't his head (for reasons that'll become clear below). I genuinely thought they were going to kill him off, so the only real disappointment of the episode was that he lived to snarl another day. My only real question is -- what was the missing dongle from the Rift Machine doing in a grandfather clock in some random dance hall?
Barrowman probably gave his best performance of the season and he was aided by a feisty turn from Naoko Mori revealing once more what a wasted opportunity the persistent focus on Gwen all season has been. It's just a shame that the apparent loyalty between whatever his name is and Tosh wasn't carried over to the next episode - but this is the upbeat part of review so I'm really not going there yet. Matt Rippey as the real Jack was excellent too, very touching as a man divided and for once a guest cast member who worked within the ensemble rather than overshadowing them (which is actually a good thing). Murray Melvin as the time hopping Bilis, who I'm sure will eventually be revealed to be Gary from Goodnight Sweetheart at pension age, was particularly creepy in his scenes and if I'd had a week between episodes I really think I would have been looking forward to seeing what they did with him. Thank god for that.
Matt Rippey as the real Jack was excellent too, very touching as a man divided and for once a guest cast member who worked within the ensemble rather than overshadowing them (which is actually a good thing).
It's a pity then that it was all for naught as, after a quick flash of the logo, the series once again plunged headlong into a vat of manure. The trailer for End of Days was quite promising with all the visitations from the past and Sarah Hughes in The Observer built my hopes up further by suggesting that 'this excellent finale shows' that the programme 'has potential'. Sarah, given that you also say that the scripts needed tightening up how can you justify this episodic mess as being 'excellent'. Were we watching the same programme?
Y'know the one were they didn't seem to have a clue how to finish the season so decided to pull a hitherto unheralded fifty-foot demon out of the ground and have it stomp all over Cardiff, which looked half amazing but made NO FUCKING SENSE WHATSOEVER? At least when Buffy revealed the First Evil it ran with it for a whole season and didn't just trot it out in the closing twenty minutes. We've seen surprise aliens before, but this appeared without any logical foreshadowing.
It's a shame because the episode began quite well with the cameo from Carrie Gracie from News 24 and the indications of all the timeslips across the world (the sudden appearance of The Beatles on the roof of Abby Road studio is a good thing). This created the potential for an epic battle with time, a season long story of attempting to send everyone back where it came from Invasion of the Dinosaurs style. But then Torchwood, the series and the organization, did what it always does, sits around in the hub having an argument and then interacted with the big epic happening by meeting a Roman Centurion in a police cell and a couple of extras in a hospital. Not even the sudden appearance of PC Andy, the man who is a regular in the good version of the series in my head, with his lovely acting could save the tedium. While the idea was probably to make the big, small, how boring is that?
But then Torchwood, the series and the organization, did what it always does, sits around in the hub having an argument and then interacted with the big epic happening by meeting a Roman Centurion in a police cell and a couple of extras in a hospital.
The episode was, well episodic, so once all the stuff that was happening across the globe had been established and they'd made the ooh two visits to see what was happening in Cardiff (hardly the montage sequence in Ghostbusters is it? And we know they've seen Ghostbusters) everything finally came home to roost after yet another argument in the hub and Owen finally being kicked out (well until he sneaked back in later). This was spoilt by taking about half an hour as Owen knocked on for no readily apparent reason about retcon again. Get out of there. No one cares and this has zero to do with what is to come. This was another example of Torchwood dropping in useless exposition that would not be paid off later when it should have been consolidating the overall story of the coming apocalypse.
Meanwhile, the sudden appearance of Lisa to Ianto in the trailer was revealed to be - nothing more than a vision cooked up Buffy First Evil style by whatever lies beneath to try and get them to open the rift. Again. And for the lucky people who might have skipped every other episode there was the usual nano-flashback to explain who she is, although I wonder how many people would actually recognize her without the metal bondage gear and high heals. Same thing happened for Owen and although it was, nice, seeing these old faces again I don't think their presence was really explained or how whatever it was had read their mind.
The not unexpected visit to the caretaker's shop was marred by being apparently minutes after Owen had been kicked out of the hub and a repeat of the characterization incongruity that occurred in Countrycide after Owen and tried to dry hump Gwen up against a tree. After telling Jack what to go do with himself after kicking out her fuckbuddy, who let's be clear on this, has potentially brought about the end of the world, Gwen's in the shop cracking jokes again and joshing with whatever his real name is. What is it with this characterization? Shouldn't she still be a little bit pissed off?
The not unexpected visit to the caretaker's shop was marred by being apparently minutes after Owen had been kicked out of the hub and a repeat of the characterization incongruity that occurred in Countrycide after Owen and tried to dry hump Gwen up against a tree.
As usual, there was no urgency to the scene and at no point have we being reminded of the stakes. Bilis is back, still creepy, still possibly a really interesting character. Is he a timelord? Probably not, but his sudden CGless disappearance into time was fairly interesting even if the scene lacked momentum. It's at this point then that the episode went totally off the rails as though all sense had left the writing and directing process and the story was being put together by a group of chimps playing a Torchwood Roleplaying Game.
Well alright I can see now what they were doing. Bilis gives Gwen vision of the future and the death of Reece. Gwen takes Reece to Torchwood. Bilis breaks into Torchwood and kills Reece. Cue tragic music and much emoting from poor Eve Myles, who was acting her heart out for nothing. Inevitably, this being Torchwood I assumed that they really had killed her boyfriend, it being entirely likely that he'd been pottering about in seven odd episodes, shouting now and then, so I was pretty incensed. That fact that now I'm only realising that he was murdered by Bilis to turn Gwen to the point of wanting to open the rift either means I'm very slow or it simply wasn't made very clear in the episode. Probably the former.
You see you really have to wonder what goes on in the tone meetings when Owen just wonders back into the hub, the gang standing over the corpse of Reece and Tosh grins like she's just won the lottery, whilst and let's make this again quite clear, the world is ending and it's his fault. At least this led into the best part of the episode when John Doe launched into a list of everything the team has done wrong all series and pays off everything I've been saying. It wasn't quite the meta-joke I was expecting but at least it showed that he was aware of the mistakes the other characters had made, bravely underlining the fact that this is the series that has no likeable characters whatsoever. It's a misfortune then that, well alright let's call him Jack for now, received the gun shot to the head as this bunch of jerks showed the loyalty we've loved to see from them all these episodes.
You see you really have to wonder what goes on in the tone meetings when Owen just wonders back into the hub, the gang standing over the corpse of Reece and Tosh grins like she's just won the lottery, whilst and let's make this again quite clear, the world is ending and it's his fault.
Now I have to admit to the next section of the episode being something of a blur. I remember cheering when the hub was blown up Liberator style, seeing them run for their lives, suddenly deciding that Jack is still their leader when they need him, dragging his body outside. And Bilis talking in tongues and bringing out the re-rendering of the beast from The Satan Pit, something else buried in the Earth that is being unearthed this festive season. He was the Son of the Beast apparently. Of all the mother series monsters to make an appearance I hadn't expected that. Disappointingly no attempt was made to suggest that all of the characters wierd behaviour in the previous twelve episodes was a result of his influence, just this one, and after that I was laughing at it too much to remember much else apart from seeing John Barrowman, so great on Loose Women and Never Mind The Buzzcocks, the man who could have been Will with Grace, having to sit in some gravel being oppressed by a giant shadow. Is Jack dead? Is this going to be the cliffhanger?
Err no. Two reasons. Firstly we know Jack's back in Doctor Who Season Three in, Utopia, an episode written by Steven Moffat. Secondly, because there are ten minutes of the episode remaining. Of Gwen sitting around at his bedside waiting for him to rejuvenate. You mean there wasn't another ten minutes of cool time tripping goodness at the opening of the story because of this? This scene might have worked if we still thought about any of these characters sympathetically but, and this is the reason I've been so detailed in my description of their actions, they've been so random in their behviour for the whole episode, let alone series that we just don't care.
I spent half of it wondering how killing the beast meant that time became a do-over, fixing the hib and everything else. It was like watching the final episode of that season of Dallas in which Pam woke up and Bobby stepped out of the shower, the bomb explosion in an office that took out both JR and Sue Ellen simply part of a wacky dream reseting everything that had gone before much like the re imagining of the timeline that went on here s0 that everybody lives. The other half was taken up with a wait for the inevitable, a final blast of lethargy in a series that has been filled with it. Seeing Jack stand and forgive his teammates was nice, but you just know that they're not going to be any different next series ...
Then in the final moments, Jack's whisked away by the sound of the Tardis. It says a lot that this sound can still be quite stirring and that you can imagine that the Doctor and Martha are already on board, enjoying their adventures. Perhaps we'll eventually find out why they decided to select that moment to pick up Jack and not when Cardiff was being menaced by a giant beastie and the Earth was being destroyed by giant cracks in time. Perhaps there will be an episode of that series that will explain all of the plotholes in this episode but I doubt it. But it says a lot about Torchwood that it didn't end with its own internal cliffhanger and one that will instead be explained in a mother series entirely. If only I'd watched the film End of Days. At least that has the unlikely sight of Miriam Margolese in a fist fight with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
If only I'd watched the film End of Days. At least that has the unlikely sight of Miriam Margolese in a fist fight with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I appreciate this has all been very harsh and sarcastic and fueled by too much caffeine and I'll probably regret some of it in the morning, particularly the bit about the chimps but Torchwood has largely been a massive disappointment and it simply makes no sense to me that the same production team behind Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures can turn out something this crude and apparently be very pleased with it. As this review/rant has demonstrated I have a tendency to over analyze everything which could be why I tend to focus on narrative flaws at the expense of what is often quite fluid direction, remarkable lighting design, editing and music. If anything Captain Jack Harkness pointed to there still being potential in the series, but End of Days was no way to do anything. And I do wish I could be one of the people on Outpost Gallifrey giving it five stars, but I'm not, I'm the grinch and that's that. Perhaps on the level of a television comic book it works. I just expect a bit more from something calling itself adult drama.
I'm going to bed.
Posted by: Rick | Jan 02, 2007 at 09:24
Well alright it was a bit of a coincidence that he should meet his name sake in Cardiff on that night of all nights
Not to mention the further coincedences that the real one was: Hot (apparently), Bi, Brave / stupid enough to out himself in 1941 surrounded by RAF, and fancied fake Jack to boot.
I'de love to see big paradox troubles resulting from the fact that Real Jack didn't die when he should, as he never flew that fatefull mission, being unable to because an entire squadren had kicked the shit out of him for being a 9-bob note!
Posted by: Will Tingle | Jan 02, 2007 at 11:18
Will - Maybe his own squadron shot him down?
Stu - brilliant review. Glad it isn't just me.
Posted by: Neil | Jan 02, 2007 at 12:11
Thanks Neil. I've just been to OG and they're now say, well the big demon was a bit of a mcguffin and didn't really make much sense but what a brilliant episode anyway. Fans eh?
Posted by: Stu | Jan 02, 2007 at 12:19
Great review Stu.
Since when did criticism become illgeal in fandom hey. Just cause its Who or Who related doesn't mean by right it is good and deserves 5 stars. I quite enjoyed Captain Jack, for once the program had some tension and I actually got interested and caught up in it. Not to say I thought it was perfect, but it at least held me and for once I wasn't looking at my watch. End of Days (original title there) was everything we've come to expect of a CC script and really didn't live up to any expectations. I big CGI monster ooooooh!
Don't get me wrong some nice ideas and sequences, but half baked an unthought out.
And the ending that went on and on- the story was over with ten minutes to go it seemed. Jack's brought back to life with the kiss from the woman- a nice inversion of the sleeping beauty idea but, how????
Still its Torchwood- shit like that happens I guess.
My favourite moment in the episode all ready highlighted by Stu was Tosh's goofy grin as Owen returns- despite Gwen still being in the room crying over hear dead boyfriend!
Do the directors on the show- in fact direct the actors?
Do the editors on the show not think of looking for a more subdued take.
I give up!
Posted by: Daniel Fox | Jan 02, 2007 at 13:04
Regular contributors to this blog still haven't recognised the irony of the fact that whilst they feel entitled (nay, obliged) to rip the piss out of anything anybody else does (regardless of merit), anyone who returns the compliment is a "shouty nob"...
As to "Since when did criticism become illgeal in fandom hey"(sic), surely the answer is - "long before criticism of fandom" (at least in the Behind the Sofa rulebook).
Posted by: Trollmeister | Jan 02, 2007 at 13:17
Rip the piss- no they're called reviews! Criticism on this blog aren't done for the fun of it or to bolster our collective egos, rather to share thoughts on programs, we want to like and enjoy. The reason we can't is because they've of late been under written drivel in many cases!
When TV is made as badly as Torchwood is and in some cases Who series 2, it deserves reviewing and the short comings made clear.
Torchwood has been enjoyable in a "BAD over the top Hollywood movie" kind of way at times. Good after a few pints, but doesn't stand up well to a second viewing.
Is this the type of pgroams we should expect from a TV visionary like RTD!
Even the Radio Times reviewer this week was suggesting more likeable characters might not go amiss!
Giving out 5 stars to your favourite program, or your favourite programs spin off- just because it is your favourite program- is not a review.
The writers of this blog are big enough to take criticism, but some nice logical agruguements rather than drivel like "MOAN MOAN MOAN" would be prefered.
If you can give us reasons why our criticisms of bad plotting, bad acting etc are wrong- fine. But if all your can say is- you're suposed to be fans- just enjoy it- its Dr Who/Torchwood, it has to be good. I aint interested.
I like Dr Who because its good TV (at least it can be) that is inventive and exciting, well written and acted!
I do not like Dr Who just because it is Dr Who- there's a difference.
Posted by: Daniel Fox | Jan 02, 2007 at 14:07
Brilliant and hilarious review.
Posted by: Roland Hulme | Jan 02, 2007 at 14:08
Brilliant and hilarious review.
Posted by: Roland Hulme | Jan 02, 2007 at 14:09
It's worth saying for the umpteenth time that the contributors to this blog in most cases don't know each other, and have been given posting rights after submitting a review to Neil in order to see if they can string sentences together in an entertaining fashion. Once they've been granted the right to post it's up to them. There is no agreed "line" to take. I disagree pretty strongly with some of the reviews, but agree with others. Sometimes I comment on why I disagree with the reviews - that's why there is comments section.
But the comments section is surely for critical points about why the specific review is wrong or right, not for generic, non-constructive comments about what a bunch of moaners we are, or how we're all "witless" to quote Troll/Scampmeister.
People who are critical about the blog as a whole have an open invitation to contact Neil and submit a review for consideration to join the blog and therefore contribute. I know for a fact that a very recent newcomer to the blog has written very cogently and entertainingly elsewhere about how some Classic Who fans have reacted badly to the new series, and explained why he thinks that is wrong-headed. If there was a three-line whip to slag off the series then that poster would hardly have been taken on, and, more importantly, if we were just a group of people slagging things off he wouldn't want to join anyway.
Some of the reviewers here spend a long time writing their reviews, so if you think the specific review is wrong then do them the courtesy of spending a bit of time on your own criticism and take them to task that way.
Posted by: John Williams | Jan 02, 2007 at 14:29
A humble proposal:
A blog like Behind the Sofa lives or dies on the quality of its contributors. BTS is avowedly confrontational and is a self-appointed arbiter of taste - which is fine as that is exactly how it bills itself.
The problem is - if you are setting out to be witty and opinionated and you only achieve 50% of your goal (guess which!, that what was once, in its heyday, insightful and amusing, is rendered petty, self-serving and almost entirely un-wry.
The blog labels itself "collaborative" and therein I suspect lay its strength in days of yore. Perhaps if its proprietors and mainstays could ressurect this cross-fertilsation and jointly polish and prune their reviews and contributions prior to publication, then the content of BTS would be genuinely remarkable.
At the moment it reads like a series of unpolished back-slapping emails between a few likeminded chums, who then take umbrage would someone dares to waz on their bonfire with a dose of reality or a simple difference of opinion.
Whilst I agree that detractors from this blog who merely post "MOAN,MOAN, MOAN" are hardly helping the situation, I genuinely doubt that this intentionally more constructive suggestion will be received any more favourably.
Posted by: Trollmeister | Jan 02, 2007 at 14:30
I think if you look at the whole of the above you'll see that I genuinely enjoyed 'Captain Jack Harkness' as a piece of drama and said as much in an even handed way then went head first into trashing 'End of Days'. Somehow I managed to juxtapose my two reviewing styles next to each other. If you look back through all my work at least, you'll see that I've been very even handed most of the time, to the point that actually some of it is a touch bland.
I can only echo what John said. Specific criticisms of reviews can lead to interesting debate. But blanket pronouncements about moaning might be a bit funny but don't really go anywhere. In addition, Tony, why don't you apply to be a contributor, that way the range of opinons will be widened which can only be a good thing in the long run.
Posted by: Stu | Jan 02, 2007 at 14:50
Who and Torchwood in my opinion have deep problems in the way they treat characters and plot. If someone can point out to me all the good characterisation and plots I've missed I'll shut up.
I for one have not met any of my fellow bloggers and often disgree with them, but i enjoy their comments and listen to what they say. They are usually well thought out and interesting.
Most other Who sites gloss over the plot holes, character inconsistencies etc because Dr Who fans have their program back, whatelse matters.
If the bloggers are confrontation its more out of frustration than anything else. These programs constantly get praise despite some fairly fundemental faults.
I for one apply the same logic to my reviews as I would to any movie or TV program. If they have plot holes or in many cases vast pits- they should be pointed out.
The reason people get heated from time to time is that the series is promoted as the best ever and RTD as some kind of TV God who doesn't make mistakes ever!
He isn't and does. If you cristicise him your then branded as an RTD hater.
I'm ambivalent. He brought the program back, big deal and lot of writer/producers could. He's written a few scripts I liked, but a lot I didn't. He's also bogged the program down with a target age group of over sugared 8 year olds and domestic settings it can do without.
Posted by: Daniel Fox | Jan 02, 2007 at 14:57
>A blog like Behind the Sofa lives or dies on the quality of its contributors. BTS is avowedly confrontational and is a self-appointed arbiter of taste - which is fine as that is exactly how it bills itself.
Not sure I agree with that I'm afraid. The blog is not Tachyon TV (and perhaps we haven't always made that clear enough) and is meant to be just reviews from people who can write about Doctor Who interestingly. Multiple bloggers can't really be expected to be a self-appointed arbiter of taste.
>The problem is - if you are setting out to be witty and opinionated and you only achieve 50% of your goal (guess which!, that what was once, in its heyday, insightful and amusing, is rendered petty, self-serving and almost entirely un-wry.
Part of this is a matter of opinion. I get slightly uncomfortable about negativity at times, but so does everyone. Most would prefer that the show was better, and poor old Neil finds himself running a blog for programmes that a significant number of fans outside of the bloggers here feel a bit disillusioned with. Why they are disillusioned is probably more interesting in how they express it, but this blog has witnessed a change from a wholly appreciative look at first series Who, to a somewhat more jaundiced view. That is what has happened to the bloggers here, and its not just their choice, and the number of visits the site gets indicates that these feelings chime enough with some people.
>The blog labels itself "collaborative" and therein I suspect lay its strength in days of yore. Perhaps if its proprietors and mainstays could ressurect this cross-fertilsation and jointly polish and prune their reviews and contributions prior to publication, then the content of BTS would be genuinely remarkable.
That's always a possibility, and we're planning some changes. But a "collaborative" blog is precisely that - multiple people post their own reviews. Once you editorially control that it becomes more like a webzine - which is fine, but some people prefer the freedom to blog. I'm interested in what people have to say without them passing it through a committee, though I like committee-controlled things as well in their place.
>At the moment it reads like a series of unpolished back-slapping emails between a few likeminded chums, who then take umbrage would someone dares to waz on their bonfire with a dose of reality or a simple difference of opinion.
All you seem to be saying is that you don't like the unpolished nature of collaborative blogs. Speaking for myself I'm pretty in touch with reality, have first hand experience of people who don't like this blog, and that's fine by me. You may have noticed that some of the people running it don't like it all the time. But a lot of people do like it for all its faults. I object to unconstructive comments though, especially when we give people the opportunity to join the blog. Unpolished e-mails is not a bad description of a blog by the way, although I think some posts are very polished. I don't have a problem with unpolished stuff.
>Whilst I agree that detractors from this blog who merely post "MOAN,MOAN, MOAN" are hardly helping the situation, I genuinely doubt that this intentionally more constructive suggestion will be received any more favourably.
We are making changes to the blog and other things outside of the blog (like Tachyon TV) over the next few months. Funnily enough for such a bunch of self-satisfied backslappers, some of us spend a good deal of time in agonised debate about how to develop the good things and lose the bad things, and also spend a lot of time doing it. And no groupies are in evidence as reward. So if I sometimes get a little tetchy when people make out we lie around in our virtual beds lighting cigars sent in by our arse-licking fanbase you'll understand why.
Posted by: John Williams | Jan 02, 2007 at 14:59
To be fair STu, my comment was more about Neil's reply to Rick than a comment on your own review per se.
TW is far from great and the comparison between the build-up of menace in the Impossible Planet and the sudden production of the Beast in End of Days shows the huge gulf between the two series. Surely its presence could at least have been trailed (not to the same extent as Bad Wolf but a little) and then its appearance would have explained a few things from earlier in the series, rather than looking like a Big Finish, without a Big Beginning Or even a middle-sized...eh...middle.
Iroically, if the reviewers on this site took themselves less seriously, then I would be inclined to take them a little more so.
Posted by: Trollmeister | Jan 02, 2007 at 15:04