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Mar 31, 2005

Chris Quits - It's official

Told ya. Confirmed by the BBC - and guess who is slated to be the 10th Doctor?

I wonder if Chris will come back for the Christmas special... seems an ideal time to do an regeneration...


I just re-read the BBC report and it says he will leave "at Christmas" so it looks like we might get a few more minutes out of him yet and there will be a proper regeneration.

Oh, and it has been confirmed that Billie is back, so it's not all bad news...

Does this mean that "Jude" is now "The Two Doctors" ?

Either that or Withnail and I...

One episode into the new series and the BBC are already proudly blowing the gaff on the finale. Would it really have been so hard for them and Chris to just keep quiet and string us along for the next 12 weeks?

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